Tom and Sheryl Hrncirik

Keeping in touch

Saturday, June 12, 2010

1 Day and counting

Yes! It's finally here....1 day and counting.
" All our bags are packed, we're ready to go (kinda)"
Hard to think that we have all that we REALLY need (more or less)
packed in a couple of suitcases. (Alas, we also know that there
is Tesco waiting for us in the Czech Republic.)And get to experience
the M.T.C. first hand. Pretty exciting.


  1. You have waited long enough! So very excited for you two! Good-luck and ENJOY! Would love to see and read what is happening on your mission. Take care!

  2. How exciting for you! Best wishes and godspeed!

  3. I am so glad that I found Julie's blog and she passed on your blog! We would love to be serving another mission, but Larry was called to be stake president about 18 months ago, so we are here in Calgary for a while. Can't wait to live vicariously through you two! You are in our prayers. Love you!

  4. We CAN'T WAIT to hear how you're doing!!! Please keep this blog up. We love you and are thinking about you MUCHO! (Sorry I don't know how to say "mucho" in Czech!
    Love, The Rumseys
